To successfully and continuously address the complexity and risks that arise in the construction sector, Kepler has adopted a culture of safety, health and environmental management based on processes certified under ISO 14001 and OHSAS 18001, to comply with the Highest standards at the international and national level (applicable Mexican laws, regulations and official standards). This is how Kepler achieves millions of man-hours of work without lost-time accidents on each work performed, a success that is rewarded when each Kepler worker returns home without injury and without damage to their health derived from occupational hazards.
For this reason, at Kepler we know that personal behavior, tools and work methods, the environment, construction priorities and the environment, among other factors and specific conditions are changing in the industry in general but especially in the sector of the construction, which has led us to turn awareness, training and training in risk prevention into a strategy and requirement aimed at all our staff, in order to have highly qualified collaborators who continuously apply, verify and improve our policies and rigorous protocols , programs and security controls, to reduce the identified dangers and reduce the risks to the minimum possible expression, preventing the deterioration of health and the potential physical, environmental and material damages associated with our work.
In particular, Kepler's safety, health and environmental personnel have a high-level training, which includes solid experience and success stories in the prevention of occupational and environmental risks, a professional academic or specialized technical training, evaluated and approved by our clients, with skills endorsed by instructors registered with the Ministry of Labor and Social Welfare STPS and other recognized organizations in the field such as the CMIC, and many of our preventionists also have other specialized certifications based on national standards and international, which allows us to start each project with a foundation of trust, where our Clients have the assurance that above operations, we seek the health, integrity of people and the care of their property.